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Currently all iPad models support the latest version of iOS, which is iOS version 5.1. It's likely that the first and second-generation models will stop being supported before the new iPad, but for now all three versions are on even footing operating system-wise. I'm not convinced there's much reason to upgrade to the new iPad, even if you own the very first model. But let me know whether you're planning on upgrading by popping some thoughts in the comments box below, or posting on our Facebook wall.
Should you upgrade to the new iPad? iPad owners, find out whether it's worth splashing your cash right here, As of last night, there's a new iPad in town, and it sports a higher-resolution display, a beefed-up camera and a brand-new processor, But the question on every iPad owner's quivering lips will be, "Should I upgrade?"Be respectful, keep it civil vincent van gogh cafe terrace at night iphone case and stay on topic, We delete comments that violate our policy, which we encourage you to read, Discussion threads can be closed at any time at our discretion..
4G means faster data speeds than we currently struggle along with, but these are technology companies we're dealing with. They can't be trusted to keep things simple. We've got a full breakdown of the types of 4G, the differences between them, and when we'll see them in the UK. And here's a warning -- it's not good news for us Brits wanting faster speeds on a new iPad. 3G networks currently operate at 7.2Mbps, but are being upgraded to 21.6Mbps HSPA+. (Dongles like the Huawei E367 support HSPA+, so can take advantage of the faster speed.) But HSPA+ isn't true 4G, seeing as it's built on the 3G network.
HSPA+ dual carrier -- yet another variant, also known as DC-HSDPA -- can reach 42Mbps, and vincent van gogh cafe terrace at night iphone case can work on our venerable 3G infrastructure, once networks roll it out, The iPad supports DC-HSDPA, as does the new Nokia Lumia 900, Everything Everywhere promises we'll see HSPA+ offering speeds of up to 21Mbps and 42Mbps before the year's end, Three says it's rolling out 42Mbps this summer, with 70 per cent of its network already working at 21Mbps, That's at peak though, and as anyone who's ever checked their actual broadband speeds will tell you, that's miles off the day to day reality, Three's current 21Mbps service achieves around 10Mbps in practice, so to double that would still be a huge improvement on current 3G, as long as the coverage is there..
LTE is the new iPad's top gear, however, with peak speeds over LTE at about 150-160Mbps -- a massive step up. So when will we see LTE in the UK? The networks are currently embroiled in a spectrum auction that looks a little fraught, to put it lightly. The last we heard was the auction was set to take place at the end of the year, delayed from the first half of 2012 following the threat of legal action from some mobile operators. LTE will be served on the 800MHz and 2.6GHz spectrums for the UK, but there's a rather large caveat. The new iPad only supports the 700MHz and 2,100MHz frequencies. In other words, until Apple announces a version that supports the 800MHz and 2.6GHz frequency bands (and the networks actually roll out support for them), we're not going to see speeds anywhere near true 4G.
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