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iphone 6 black wallet folio case

The Answers from the community section appears for the iPhone, iPad, and all of the Mac products. But certain items, such as the iPod and Apple TV, are without such help at this point. The questions and answers likely go through a review process from Apple before going live. Earlier today I posted my own question and answered someone else's question in one of the sections, but my posts have yet to pop up. Apple still has its traditional Support Communities, always popular among users with technical trouble. The new Answers from the community section seems geared toward potential buyers as well as existing owners, so it can be yet another handy resource for finding the right information when you need it.

Apple's "Answers from the community" section can provide a dose of Q&A for Apple product owners courtesy of your fellow users, Apple owners in need of help can now tap into community support sections at the company's product pages, Launched a few days ago, the new sections are set up like standard Q&A forums where you can post your own questions and answer those of other people, Getting to a particular support section is just a matter of launching Apple's Web site, navigating to the page for the product in question, and then clicking on the Buy button in the upper right corner, Scrolling down the page then reveals the Answers from the community section for that iphone 6 black wallet folio case product..

The outage began at 10.10am and lasted until just after 6pm -- affecting calls, texts, data and even GG's ability to fully update its own community forum pages. The only services that weren't affected were inbound texts and emergency calls, according to CEO Mike Fairman, who spoke to me in an exclusive interview yesterday. Anyone trying to port numbers to GiffGaff was also put on hold. "There was a water leak in a data centre -- one of our third-party suppliers -- which initially took out the power supply to some of our servers but it also actually damaged some of the servers as well," explains Fairman. "And although there was resiliency built into the service, in that there were two sets of servers and load balancing between them, because the power supply was interrupted and the network gear was interrupted then the whole thing went down."GiffGaff is a small fish in the UK's mobile network pond. It's not one of the big five operators, who all own their own networks, rather it's what's known as a mobile virtual network operator -- or MVNO -- because it piggybacks on one of the big boys' networks, namely O2's.

GiffGaff does own and run some of its own kit, though, which is why O2's network wasn't taken down during the unscheduled iphone 6 black wallet folio case shower, In fact O2 actually owns GiffGaff -- albeit GG is run as a separate company, GiffGaff's parent even rolled up its sleeves and helped apply a temporary fix during Friday's outage, Fairman reveals, There's no shortage of MVNOs in the UK -- Tesco and Virgin Mobile are the best known -- but GiffGaff likes to make out it's special because it does things a bit differently, It says it's able to offer cheap mobile deals, for example, because it keeps its own costs down by recruiting customers to run support services in exchange for a discount, But with Friday's day-long outage, GiffGaffers might be forgiven for thinking the company also cuts corners on its network infrastructure, So does it?..

Well, yes. Fairman tells me it would have been possible for its service to be proofed against Friday's failure -- if it had doubled up on a particularly expensive network component which it didn't, on cost-saving grounds. Discussing the component that failed, he says: "That particular part of the system is a single physical location which, when you think about redundancy there's a spectrum of redundancy that you can build in to a system. "Obviously one of the things that we could do is to double up on that particular network component but that is a very, very expensive network component -- and one would argue that the contingency that we have currently, which is failover with free calls and free data, would be a better and more cost-effective option than actually doubling up on that component 100 per cent."The 'failover' Fairman cites is the temporary fix put in place on Friday afternoon to get some services up and running. This failover actually meant GiffGaffers who were able to make calls or get online at that time were getting free calls and free data during the outage, and even the following day, because the company wasn't checking their balances before routing calls.

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